Non-Monogamous, Polyamorous, or Just Curious?

Your Resource for Ethical Non-Monogamy Since 2012
Welcome to Polyamory Today. We are a group a poly people creating resources for ALL types of ethically non-monogamous relationships. Whether you’re just curious, beginning your own journey, or need help handling the challenges of polyamory and ENM, you’ve come to the right place.

Polyamorous Dating
Navigating the dating scene as a polyamorous person isn’t easy, but that’s our specialty! Get tips and advice for poly dating and how to meet people who share your values of ethical non-monogamy.
Understanding Polyamory
We’re here to help both veterans of polyamory and those just getting their feet wet. Have you heard of solo polyamory? How about polyfidelity? From basic definitions to in-depth guides, our goal is to create the most complete online resource for polyamorous people and curious newcomers.
Non-Monogamous Relationships
Polyamorous relationships aren’t the only ENM game in town. The world of ethical non-monogamy also includes swingers, threesome lovers, cuckolding or hotwifing couples, and people in open relationships. Discover the many ways that people with multiple partners define their relationships.
Threesomes and Group Sex
For those who love group sex, this is where non-monogamy gets really fun. Learn about threesomes, foursomes, orgies, sex parties, and all the ways to play with more than two.
Sex Tips
Non-monogamous relationships often allow couples and throuples extra room to explore their sexuality and discover some seriously kinky sex. From oral and anal to BDSM and kink, we’ve got you covered with loads of tips and ideas.
Non-Monogamous Dating
Dating as a polyamorous or otherwise non-monogamous person can be complicated. Learn what to expect from polyamory and throuple dating, where to find a unicorn or primary partner, and how to handle everything from first dates to polyamory breakups.