About Our Polyamory Resource

A Resource for Ethical Non-Monogamy

Polyamory Today is an online resource providing information and advice for ethically non-monogamous, polyamorous, and poly-curious people. We cover a wide array of topics including all types of ethical non-monogamy, polyamory dating tips, articles on sex and sexuality, explorations of group sex, and personal stories.

On this page you’ll learn all about our website and it’s history, and who the people behind this resource are.

The Polyamory Today Mission

Here at Polyamory Today, it’s our mission to provide straightforward information about polyamory. We’re here to open up a dialogue about what it is to be polyamorous or in other types of non-monogamous relationships. We want to normalize non-monogamy and help our readers attain and manage poly relationships with honesty and integrity.

We also hope to entertain and provide our audience with an abundance of tips, ideas, and inspiration with how-to articles and stories from the field.

But we don’t stop at polyamory, nor do we discriminate..

As a complete resource for ethical non-monogamy, Polyamory Today celebrates and supports ALL types of ethically non-monogamous lifestyles and experiences including open relationships, swinging, hotwifing, consensual cuckolding, and group sex.

If it’s non-monogamy practiced ethically, with openness and honesty, we want to be there to support the community no matter how fringe or kinky.

Who Is Behind Polyamory Today?

Polyamory Today was created by Lola Page in 2012 when she saw there was a lack of information and true understanding of polyamory online. She took it upon herself to start a simple blog that could both educate newcomers and provide advice for those experiencing the challenges of polyamorous relationships and dating. Over the last 11 years that polyamory blog evolved into what is now a 1000+ article resource for people interested in all forms of ethical non-monogamy.

As Lola took on more online projects it became necessary to hire additional writers. Polyamory Today has gone through some growing pains over the years, but today we are so proud of our current team of writers who have now been contributing to Polyamory Today for many years. And yes, the very large majority of our articles have been written by practicing polyamorous authors.

Addi Stewart

Addi Stewart is a writer, journalist, music promoter, producer, and professional porn actor living in Toronto, Canada. You may also know him as hip hop artist, Mindbender Supreme!

Addi brings a wealth of knowledge to Polyamory Today, with over 25 years of experience with polyamorous love and relationships. He shares his insights gained as a member of the polyamory community, whether it’s the day-to-day challenges of healthy poly relationships, or his more daring escapades in the sex club scene. Addi brings fierce honesty wrapped in love and compassion, and his positivity is refreshing and contagious.

View all articles by Addi Stewart


Jamie is a prolific writer who contributes regularly to Polyamory Today, as well as Kink Lovers Magazine and other sex-positive publications. She shares her vast knowledge of non-monogamy, kink, sex, and dating, gained through real experience and a deep interest in these topics.

With over 1000 professionally published articles to her name, Jamie has certainly honed her craft. Away from the keyboard she is passionate about living a life of adventure and exploration, which fuels her creativity and brings ever more ideas to share with her readers here at Polyamory Today.

View all articles by Jamie


Holly is our managing editor here at Polyamory Today. She ensures that everything we publish is high quality and beautifully organized. She is our communication expert and keeps us all working as a team and on schedule, while also contributing her own articles from time to time.

As a professional editor and writer, our non-monogamy resource site isn’t the only project keeping her busy. Holly also works as editor at multiple online magazines, has editing credits for several books, and is a published author of short fiction herself.

More About the Founder

When she started this site, Lola had already been writing about alternative lifestyles and niche online dating for a decade. She then decided to apply her passion for dating and relationship advice to the polyamorous community and those who wanted to learn more or get involved.

Since 2003, Lola Page has been dedicated to creating communities and content specifically for those interested in ethical non-monogamy and kink. Her first website was a forum for alternative relationships with a directory of dating sites for people with niche desires.

So began an enduring career in helping people connect with like-minded partners online, regardless of how outside the mainstream their interests may be. Lola went on to participate in many dating industry conventions and events, which allowed her to learn about the world of online dating from the inside. Many years were spent researching and testing online communities for alternative lifestyles.

Today, in addition to Polyamory Today, Lola maintains multiple lifestyle publications including Kink Lovers Magazine.

Managing Polyamory Today and her other online projects is a full-time job. When she’s not writing up new articles and resources, Lola spends her time joining and reviewing niche dating sites, engaging with our readers here and on social media, and coming up with new ways to help people meet and enjoy their kinks.

You can connect with Lola Page on Twitter, or message her through the Polyamory Today contact page.


We love to receive your feedback here at Polyamory Today. At the end of each article, we ask our readers to join the discussion by adding their stories, opinions, or questions.

Sometimes our readers challenge our perspectives, making our site a better resource for everyone. And sometimes, we get a little love..

What Our Readers are Saying

Here are some reader testimonials you’ll find around our site that let us know we’re making a difference, and encourage us to keep going:

  • “Your website has really helped me clear my head about some issues I have been dealing with in my poly relationships. Compersion is exactly what I needed to be reminded of.” – Theresa
  • “Excellent introductory article, educating the public about the basics of ethical non-monogamy and its rich variety of distinct lifestyles! A must share, congrats and thank you so much!” – Jorge
  • “I am poly but find it extremely difficult to find and meet poly people here in Alaska. I like reading your blog. It is very informative.” – Kenneth
  • “I loved your article. I definitely have an abundance of stamina but don’t have the many lovers. But I agree, the passion and love takes the most work.” – Berner
  • “Thank you for this story. I found it to be helpful in my own situation, with regards to my recent involvement with a man who is in an open marriage.” – S
  • “I have been interested in poly for a while, would love some advice on how to introduce the idea to my husband. I’m loving this site and the articles.” – Elizabeth
  • “Great article! I used to think that all I wanted in a secondary relationship was sex, and then I started to have deeper feels. Great sex is well…great! But there is something beautiful about really connecting with you lover and respecting and loving the whole person.” – delislandgirl
  • “Thank you for this. He left me today, and I was having a hard time giving him space. Now I’ll focus on the precious memories, and try to let it all go.” – Malin
  • “I have just such a relationship with my long-time Primary. This is the first time I have seen a poly article touch on our relationship model and I want to thank you for shedding a positive light here.” – Earnest
  • “Great article. To the point and truthful. Thank you for all your insight and advice filled with love for all of us. Bi always!” – Lisa

Polyamory Today in the Media

The advice and articles of Polyamory Today are recognized and shared by diverse organizations and publications, for which we are grateful and humbled. Knowing that our content is appreciated and reaching new audiences is gratifying and encourages us to do our best.

Some examples of where our articles have been referenced include Vice Magazine, the how-to behemoth wikiHow, and Revival Zine, a site for feminist writing and community. And because we get into the nitty gritty questions people have about non-monogamous dating, Polyamory Today has also been featured in several publications on dating and relationships. We’ve made it onto lists of the best polyamorous websites and are even referenced by a few adult sites for our guides and how-tos relating to sexuality and sex practices.

Polyamory Social Media

You can find our latest articles posted regularly on the Polyamory Today Twitter page. The Polyamory Today Facebook page still stands, but unfortunately, we are no longer posting there due to censorship of some of our spicier content.

Please be aware that there is a publication on Medium that has chosen to use the same name as our resource site for their polyamory blog and social accounts. They are not associated with our pre-existing project here at PolyamoryToday.com.

How You Can Participate

Are you passionate about polyamory and non-monogamy? We love it when our readers engage with our content by telling us what they think in the comments section. We always do our best to reply, and encourage conversation and discussion.

For those looking to meet polyamorous partners in the flesh, we recommend a few polyamory dating sites. You can also check out all the poly sites we’ve reviewed.

Coming soon we are also adding a way for readers to anonymously submit their own polyamory stories or ask for advice pertaining to nonmonogamy.

If you would like to contact Polyamory Today with any questions or ideas, feel free to get in touch using our contact form.