Woman in Underwear

Going Commando

Sayonara Smalls “Aw, c’mon, honey, you know how I feel about wearing underpants! – my poly friend to his partner I agree

Intimate Conversation

Orgasm without Touching

Poly Oraltorium Talk about breaking new ground and raising the bar-of-awesomeness: Whenever I’m with my poly partner (I’m the secondary partner in

Sexy Lips

What is Feminist Pornography?

THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST PORN CONFERENCE by TRISTAN TAORMINO Heaven quietly came to (and inside) the University of Toronto. A delightful gathering of sex-positive

Sexy Couple in Underwear

Polyamory: Sex Drive and Stamina

No-Low Libido Believe it or not, I don’t just sit here and blog because I want attention. As a multi-slasher (Poly/Horndog/Chatterbox/Professional Writer)

Fishnets and Sexy Belt

First Burlesque Experience

I Have Distrust Issues, and It Shows Recently, I made a dream come true. I participated in a burlesque show that was

Man Shaving

Manscaping for Women

Manscaping refers to how a man takes care of the hair all over his body. It’s a fascinating conversation that women enjoy

sexy lingerie

Sexy Lingerie Men Love

I haven’t met a man who doesn’t love a woman in lingerie. Men have different preferences, yet they all get turned on