Couple Chatting at Restaurant

What Does It Take To Be Poly?

I’m not alone out here, trying to revolutionize and ramp up your sweet sex life, so you don’t EVER have to complain

Couple Dancing in Club

How Do We Identify as Poly?

This time, I’m dreaming differently. Hold me as we imagine something new. Is there a way to communicate poly? Could we have a secret handshake? I

Woman with Freckles

What Is a Polyamory Unicorn?

A lot of people have hangups about getting into a polyamorous relationship with a unicorn. What the hell is a unicorn, anyhow?

Guy with Two Babes on a Beach

Free Love on the West Coast

When I moved to the West Coast I wasn’t ready for the sort of liberal moral values I found there. People told

Beautiful Black Woman

Racism in Polyamory

It sucks. It’s real. It’s impossible to completely escape. Racism. I’ve been in some pretty advanced circles of emotion and pornography, and shared