Woman's Bare Torso

8 Fisting Tips for Beginners

The term “fisting” can sound harsh instead of sensual and erotic. We usually use the word “fist” when talking about fighting, but

Hot Couple in Bed

The Truth about a Tight Vagina

It’s an essential of dirty talk—dropping the descriptive “tight” into a mouthful of expletives. Just saying “tight pussy” is enough to amp

Passionate Couple in Bed Clasping Hands

Do Aphrodisiacs Really Work?

The idea of the aphrodisiac is as old as the hills. Cultures across the globe, in ancient and modern times, seek out

Sexy Woman's Leg with Laptop

What Porn Turns Women On

Once upon a time, most porn was for men. Women enjoyed the occasional foray into fantasy, but the major consumers were definitely