11 Polyamory Movies from the Past

Poly-themed movies have been around a while. Here are a handful of films that explored issues of non-monogamy before polyamory became more

Pansexuality vs Bisexuality

The term pansexual has been popping up here and there in online forums and tumblr. Many people are unclear about just what,

Three Black Friends Smiling

Is Polyamory Right For You?

Polyamory is for people who desire to be sexual and/or intimate with more than one partner in an honest and consensual way.

Why Do People Become Polyamorous?

Trailblazer Melissa Mitchell is used to academic challenges. She is graduating this month with an honours BA in psychology with an extended

Two Men Fight Over Woman

Jealousy vs Compersion

Imagine this scenario: one evening you look out your window to the street below just in time to catch your partner returning